
View the photo gallery from our 2021 race here:  Thanks to Lyn Van Schoiack for getting out there and capturing some real mountain running from the summit of Cannonball Mountain.


MY PHOTOS:  This place is absolute mountain running sickness.   Hard to do it justice, but here are some pics from the past 15 winters of running.

Matty tops out on Cannonball. Seven Devils to the west, Heavens Gate just poking out to the north.

Heavens Gate Lookout, looking south at Seven Devils

Cannonball Summit, looking west at Seven Devils.

Theresa S. crossing Game Warden Saddle, Cannonball Summit at top right.

Looking up at Cannonball from McCrea Cabin.  Over 3000' of vertical relief shown here.

Looking down the West Fork RR Canyon from near McCrea Cabin

Limestone cliffs and caves in the first mile of RR Trail from the Hatchery

Steep slopes leading from Hatchery (seen on left/middle) to Blue Gulch on Cannonball Trail.

Golden slopes above the Coconut Grove.  The Coconut Grove is a flat stand of trees on the very steep slope between Cannonball Mtn and McCrea Cabin on the West Fork RR Trail. This pic shows that the slope is 30+% in grade.  Picture a 3000+' ski run that is blue or maybe even black diamond in difficulty.

Milena climbing towards Cannonball Mtn

Looking across the West Fork RR at Cannonball and Seven Devils (this trail not on course, but shows context)

The J Jones Gravesite on the West Fork RR Trail.  A steep 500' gain hill lies below, which if done a minimum of 3 times at high effort is the workout known as J Jones Koolaid.  Only true believers will drink the Koolaid.

Hill below the J Jones gravesite.

Rapid River Trail near the bridge, 3.7mi from the Hatchery.  This pic was taken mid-December 2013.

Climbing the ridge leading to Cannonball Mtn.

Brandi with Cannonball on right and Seven Devils behind.

Mid winter elk on Cannonball Ridge, approx 5000'.

Game Warden Saddle 6400' on the Cannonball Trail.  Not sure what the windchime thing is?

Starting up the RR Trail near the Hatchery

Top of Cannonball Mtn 7250' in January 2016

Glassing a big elk herd just below Cannonball

Rapid River Trail, three quarters of a half mile from the Hatchery

Bridge 3.7mi from Hatchery.  Cook, the Dog (RIP) and his humans Gwen and Jess

6300' on the Cannonball Trail, looking down towards Blue Gulch, Hatchery just out of frame to the left

Scary tree just above Blue Gulch on Cannonball Trail.

Molly and Brandi on RR Trail

Final quarter mile back to Hatchery

Theresa  looking across at Cannonball and Seven Devils

Elk on alert

Grassy summit slopes of Cannonball Mtn.  Cannonball Spring is in trees just below.

Summit of Cannonball, Seven Devils on left, Heavens Gate on far right of frame.

Huge bull named "MELVIN" that lives along Rapid River Road, driving towards Hatchery

Weird survey marker just below Cannonball Mtn

Matty and I near Game Warden Saddle

The "Desert" section in Blue Gulch

Elk below Cannonball Spring

Gobbler on the Rapid River Trail.

Elk in Game Warden Saddle

Trail leading out of Game Warden Saddle, looking east towards the Mountains near McCall and the IMTUF100 course.

Spring on the slopes above the Hatchery

Morel in Blue Gulch in April

Heavens Gate Lookout 8429'

Packing out an elk with Molly and Brandi

Try my delicious Koolaid on your way to Heavens Gate...

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